[talk-au] Big Tin Can Map - Missing Aussie highway shields

John Smith deltafoxtrot256 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 5 04:39:15 BST 2009

I've spent some time this morning getting the aussie highway shields
to render again, this time it doesn't need/care about addr:* tags it
uses the Australian country boundary to figure this out.

Also MABC routes don't need a network=* tag, it gets copied from the
ref=* tag if needed.

select way,case when network is not null then network else
substring(ref, 1) end as network,ref,char_length(ref) as length from
planet_osm_line where route='road' and ref is not null and
st_within(way, (select way from planet_osm_polygon where
name='Australia' and boundary='administrative' and admin_level='2'))

I'm still looking at the name stuff, as that doesn't seem to be rendering still.

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