[talk-au] Mapping a blank spot

John Smith deltafoxtrot256 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 22 07:24:34 BST 2010

On 22 July 2010 14:55, {Tim} <M526244+osmtau at gmail.com> wrote:
> I, obviously, agree. This situation (speed limits in either direction
> bearing no relation to one another) is perhaps more common than you
> realise. and upon further thought, apart from trivial cases why should
> it not be so?

The trouble is the current API only supports tagging ways, not lanes,
and it doesn't look like this will be added any time soon, see my
other email on what you can do in the mean time about asynchronous
speed limits on ways...

> On the other hand, it does draw attention to the fact that, on the
> whole, speed limits are not set with any kind of logic at all.

Apart from trying to trap people into breaking the law in places to
increase revenue?

> A number of roads locally have the rather refreshing notice "Drive to
> Road Conditions" (presumably, if you are dead, then you mustn't have
> been?). How in hell do you tag this? Graveyard humour aside?

For the most part maxspeed is 100, however explicitly stating that on
a sign gives people a goal to aim for, so I can only guess these signs
are an attempt to get people to slow down without setting a hard

These kinds of speed limits used to be common when cars had much less
capable engines, and in some places you still see signs with a black
circle with a diagonal black line across it,

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