[talk-au] Australian Disaster 2.0 (Un)Conference

Shoaib Burq shoaib at nomad-labs.com
Thu Apr 14 08:04:58 BST 2011

Hi Folks

In the quite recesses of a Sydney neighborhood an (un)conference is being
planned for Sat. the 21st of May. The topic is "Bridging the Gap - Disaster

As the name suggests the aim is to bring together people with formal
responsibility to respond to disasters and communities such as
OpenStreetMap, Ushahidi, CrisisCommons, CrisisMappers, Maps-Group, Sahana
and more ... Currently we are looking for someone who can speak about
OpenStreetMap in the context of disaster response. But if you want get
involved in any way please get in touch.

If you are interested you can ping me or Tolmie MacRae:
atmacrae at hotmail.comwho is currently developing the schedule for the
one-day event. He's a great
contact in the Sydney area if you don't already know him, he helped in
organising the HOT Mapping Event/CrisisCamp for Pakistan Floods.

So if you can present on OSM, or are from an NGO, Government, Emergency
Manager, Developer, Hacker, Polymath or can help with the organising
introduce yourself.

Shoaib Burq

Co-founder & CEO at SpacialDB
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