[talk-au] remapping Australia from bing

Mark Pulley mrpulley at lizzy.com.au
Sun Nov 13 23:22:23 GMT 2011

Quoting FK270673 at fantasymail.de:

> However, the Licence Working Group has threatened to delete all ways  
>  made by decliners (or even non-responders), even if they have been   
> later edited by CT-accepting mappers.

I can think of at least one way in which every single node had to be  
moved by me.


The way was originally added with Yahoo imagery, but the alignment was  
off by a long way, I corrected it via survey (also splitting the way).  
I haven't checked if the previous editors have accepted the new CTs,  
but (just as an example) if they haven't, then under this rule, this  
way will be deleted even though all the nodes in the way are mine.

If information has to be deleted, it's obviously better for the least  
amount of data to be deleted as possible. For a way like this, the  
nodes moved by me should be kept (as I've accepted the CTs), and as  
much information left as possible - i.e. keep any new tags on the  
nodes and the way added by myself. (In this example, the name would  
have to go as it was edited by another user.)

Mark P.

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