[talk-au] Mass revert now??

David Findlay david at woodypointcomms.com.au
Sat Jan 7 05:13:17 GMT 2012

On Sat, 7 Jan 2012 02:59:30 PM Andrew Harvey wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 7, 2012 at 3:57 PM, David Findlay
> <david at woodypointcomms.com.au> wrote:
> >Looks like most of my area will
> >
> > disappear with the license change. I'm quite pissed off about it
> > actually, because I remember creating much of it originally, but I've
> > disappeared from the Author history.
> Can you please provide one example of where this happened?


I can't be 100% certain, and I can't prove it, but I recall mapping these 
areas with my laptop and GPS bug in my backpack on my mountain bike, back 
before common mobile phones had GPS built in. They are marked as Author 
"JohnSmith" who seems to be an anal retentive prick. It looks to me like a 
bunch of this stuff may have been deleted and remapped using Nearmap at some 
point. I remember particularly because the streets I didn't bother naming at 
the time are still unnamed. 

Somewhere I'll still have all my GPS traces from the time. So I'm just 
wondering if I should delete and redraw. Only problem being is I'd have to 
delete the entire network he's created. Thanks,


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