[talk-au] Local Government Areas without Councils

Warin 61sundowner at gmail.com
Wed Dec 21 05:19:56 UTC 2016

On 21-Dec-16 04:09 PM, Andrew Davidson wrote:
> On 2016-12-21 15:57, Daniel O'Connor wrote:
>> Just want to point out the advice from the wiki:
>> /Don't map your local legislation, if not bound to objects in reality/
>> /Things such as local traffic rules should only be mapped through the
>> objects which represent these rules on the ground, e.g. a traffic sign,
>> road surface marking. Other rules that can not be seen in some way
>> should not be mapped, as they are not universally verifiable./
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unincorporated_area
>> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unincorporated_area>
>> Can you physically define it? Yes
>> From survey? .... maybe.
>> I think getting into the details of /who/ or /what/ administers
>> something is irrelevant; or at least highly marginal compared to the /is
>> it ground truthable?/ parts of it.
> Straw men seem to be popular this afternoon. The question is not 
> whether or not you map an unincorporated area but how should you map it?
> I'm saying that using an admin_level 6 boundary (which is supposed to 
> enclose an LGA) is not the correct way to map these areas. They should 
> be mapped by mapping all of the LGAs. By doing so the unincorporated 
> areas are then represented as those within the admin_level 4 boundary 
> but outside of any admin_level 6 boundary.

Then how do you then separate out the TWO  'unincorporated areas' in NSW ??

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