[talk-au] Discussion C: mapping on the street

David Wales daviewales at disroot.org
Thu Sep 26 23:42:15 UTC 2019

Hi Herbert,

Have you tried any of the apps listed on the Wiki?




For editing on iOS I have used Go Map:

On Android I use Vespucci and StreetComplete:



StreetComplete allows one to place a note on the map with an image attached. You can then view the note and the image in iD or JOSM. StreetComplete also suggests edits to apply directly to the map, such as adding opening hours, etc.

Vespucci allows editing of pretty much anything, but is a bit tricky to use with a touchscreen because of this.

Go Map!! is similar to Vespucci, but on iOS with a slightly simpler interface. 

Some navigation applications such as OSMAnd allow for limited editing and creation of points of interest. For instance, I used it to add some shops directly to the map recently.


David Wales

On 27 September 2019 9:05:18 am AEST, "Herbert.Remi via Talk-au" <talk-au at openstreetmap.org> wrote:
>Discussion C: mapping on the street
>OSM is great. I showed it to an organisation as large A0 maps of
>Canberra. The largest size that I could print. The maps still covered
>the whole board table when I left. I demonstrated an android app to the
>CEO. They had never heard of OSM of course. "Its a bit like Google
>maps." I cannot tell you how often I have heard that. I hope it will
>get the conversation going. Thank you for everybody's efforts. :-)
>But to the point…
>mapping on the street
>It is new and exciting, with people in the cafes but OSM says the
>street building site. We have all experienced this.
>JOSM and ID editors are excellent, but you cannot take them with you.
>The ACTmapi Images 2019 are great, but they are almost a year out of
>date. GPX tracks help but the editing is post-processing. It would be
>ideal to correct the maps in real-time on the street. Canberra is
>changing so fast, it is hard to keep up with.
>It would be best to map on the street. When something needs correcting
>mark it with a comment (or photo) for correction immediately (FIXME).
>The app would run on the smartphone continuously showing the most
>current maps, can this be done?
>I welcome your comments.
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