[talk-au] Non-Contributed Information Related to Ways?

Mateusz Konieczny matkoniecz at tutanota.com
Thu Jul 9 09:48:42 UTC 2020

Jul 9, 2020, 03:00 by ahhughes at gmail.com:

> Hi Again All,
> We would like to investigate how we should store information which is related to ways given the following:
> + Some specific information we are looking to store is to meet our needs. We do have every intention to offer and promote the data through open source. However, they're fit for our purposes and won't be a popular item. So, I don't see us contributing these back directly...
If you can then listing specifically what kind of things are documented then it may turn out
that it actually is in scope.

Mapped things (depending on location) may include bicycle parkings, fire hydrants,
individual traffic signs, colour of buildings and so one.

So maybe it actually is useful data.

> But what if that mid segment is only needed as a segment for our purposes..
Such edits are not a good idea as 
1) it is not improving OSM
2) anyone may merge this segments back and it would be correct edit

In general you should not assume that OSM way ids are stable.
Way with specific id may become shorter (because it was split) or become gone
(because someone deleted it).

For extreme case see https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/1/history - note how
its location changed as it was deleted and restored

You can for example store your data as locations (or ways) and match it to OSM

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