[talk-au] Feedback to ARA on their SA bushfire imagery made available to OSM

Andrew Harvey andrew at alantgeo.com.au
Mon Mar 9 06:05:15 UTC 2020

You may have seen the SA bushfire imagery made available to OSM from ARA. They put out a survey to the people who downloaded their data, I've forwarded my responses here for full visibility for anyone interested.

** What data did you actually download ? RGB-imagery, Lidar data or hyperspectral CIR-data ?***

Exclusively RGB imagery

** Data from which areas did you download ?***

All available areas.

** What were the main purposes that you requested to download the data ? No problem, if it was just "to look at the imagery".***

To make the imagery available to OpenStreetMap contributors to improve maps in the coverage area aby adding new missing data and updating existing data with recent changes shown in the imagery.

** Was the data useful for your purposes and did you get what you were hoping for ?***

Yes it was incredible useful, we managed to add or update data for agricultural tracks, driveways, buildings, rivers, orchards in OpenStreetMap. We marked buildings which had been damaged or razed as such in OpenStreetMap. The resulting data is made available as open data for anyone to use.

** Was the way (and form) in which we made the data available useful and easy to use ? If not, what could we change in the future ?***

The format (jpg + jpw) and access (direct HTTP URLs) were perfectly fine and easy to work with. In order to make this imagery available in OpenStreetMap editors we needed to convert it into a mosaic of web map tiles.

To do this I put together a processing pipeline (https://gitlab.com/andrewharvey/ara-cogeo) which converted the source data into Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF files and then used another public service which provided this data as a mosaic as web map tiles and WMTS.

We manually traced out the footprint as a GeoJSON polygon and set up all the metadata for attribution and copyright and added the source to the OSM Editor Layer Index (https://osmlab.github.io/editor-layer-index/) which made the layer available out of the box in OSM editors. I also announced it to the OSM community.

Some people, myself included, then used it for tracing data in OSM.

** Is there anything we could potentially do that would assist you in using the data better ?***

To be honest I felt bad asking you each time for updated data, and I had to keep checking for new data releases on the website. If I could get some kind of notification with the URLs when new data is available, hopefully that would make your life easier and mine. That said the current process was fine, so not a big issue.

** Any other feedback that you would like to give us.*

A huge thank you for making this data available for OpenStreetMap editing!

** If you processed the data further, we would love to hear what you actually did with it. It would be great if you would share your results with us. This would be one of the best ways to motivate us to do more with the existing data and to collect more (if we can find sufficient funding). ***

Converted to Cloud Optimised GeoTIFFs using https://gitlab.com/andrewharvey/ara-cogeo and made it available as web map tiles and WMTS (https://cogeoxyz.b-cdn.net/46b53084a82973a36c0f57a1d5446c605d00ed851f11a6f5ca7c75db/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg <https://cogeoxyz.b-cdn.net/46b53084a82973a36c0f57a1d5446c605d00ed851f11a6f5ca7c75db/%7Bzoom%7D/%7Bx%7D/%7By%7D.jpg>)

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