[Talk-ba] MapRoulette challenges in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Andrew Wiseman andrew_wiseman at apple.com
Tue Sep 3 22:30:33 UTC 2019

Hello OSM Bosnia and Herzegovina,

(Automatski prijevod u nastavku)

This is Andrew again from the Apple Maps team. We recently used our Atlas data analysis tool (https://github.com/osmlab/atlas <https://github.com/osmlab/atlas>) to look at a few types of potential issues related to roads and routing, such as roads that have overly sharp angles, roads that cross but don't connect, routing problems, turn restrictions, places where navigation is impossible due to missing connections or potentially incorrect one-way roads, and other similar issues.

I've posted the results of those checks on MapRoulette, a tool that lets you go through potential issues one by one and either correct them or indicate they are not a problem. I wanted to let you know they are available in case others wanted to try fixing some of them — I also plan to go through some of them myself.

In MapRoulette you can either pick a random task to fix or click on a specific one. If you want to do tasks around a certain location, such as somewhere you are familiar with, you can click on one from the map view, and then click Next task: Nearby when you finish it.

The checks are:

Crossing roads: https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/8663
Road connectivity check: https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/8662
Impossible routing: https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/8664
Floating and disconnected roads: https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/8666
Invalid turn restrictions: https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/8673
Invalid lane numbers: https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/8674
Highway links: https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/8667
Malformed roundabouts: https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/8670




Pozdrav OSM Bosna i Hercegovina,

Ovo je Andrew iz ekipe Apple Maps. Nedavno smo koristili naš alat za analizu podataka Atlas (https://github.com/osmlab/atlas) da biste pogledali nekoliko vrsta potencijalnih problema vezanih za ceste i usmjeravanje, poput cesta koje imaju previše oštre kutove, ceste koje prelaze, ali ne Ne spajajte se, problemi s usmjeravanjem, ograničenja skretanja, mjesta na kojima je navigacija nemoguća zbog nedostajućih veza ili potencijalno neispravnih jednosmjernih cesta i drugih sličnih problema.

Rezultate tih provjera objavio sam na MapRoulette, alatu koji vam omogućava da prolazite kroz moguće potencijalne probleme i ispravite ih ili naznačite da nisu problem. Željela sam vam reći da su dostupni u slučaju da drugi žele pokušati popraviti neke od njih - također planiram sama da prođem kroz neke od njih.

U MapRoulette možete odabrati slučajni zadatak koji ćete popraviti ili kliknuti na određeni. Ako želite obaviti zadatke oko određene lokacije, poput negdje poznate, možete kliknuti na jedan iz prikaza karte, a zatim kliknite Sljedeći zadatak: U blizini kada ga dovršite.

Čekovi su:

Prelazeći puteve: https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/8663
Provjera povezanosti sa cestom: https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/8662
Nemoguće usmjeravanje: https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/8664
Plutajući i rastavljeni putevi: https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/8666
Nevažeća ograničenja skretanja: https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/8673
Nevažeći brojevi traka: https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/8674
Linkovi na autoceste: https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/8667
Nepravilno oblikovani kružni tokovi: https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/8670


Andrew Wiseman |  Maps | iPhone: + | andrew_wiseman at apple.com <mailto:andrew_wiseman at apple.com>
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