[OSM-talk-be] historische kaarten als basis??

Ben Laenen benlaenen at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 10:39:13 UTC 2008

These administrative boundaries really seem to be a problem...

Does anyone have any idea what official institution actually keeps this 
information? It should be described at least somewhere I'd think and my 
naive self hopes there's somewhere a series of laws describing all 
boundaries, but I have the feeling the NGI is the official 

But I mean, there should be at least one law telling how to know in 
which municipality a certain place is, right?


On Thursday 14 August 2008, Mark Van den Borre wrote:
> Hi,
> > De atlas der buurtwegen is een officieel openbaar document,
> > opgemaakt rond 1840. Van copyright kan hierop dus geen sprake zijn.
> Please don't do this just yet. I added information on "Atlas der
> Buurtwegen/Atlas des Chemins Vicinaux" to the wiki, stating their
> copyright status as unclear right now. I am getting expert legal
> advice on their public domain status. The problem resides in the fact
> that we want to make sure what constitutes a creative work. If
> substantial _creative_ work was invested beyond just the digitisation
> of these works, the provincial administrations may very well be able
> to defend a copyright claim on them.
> Mark

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