[Talk-ca] Fwd: canvec2osm sample area tofino BC _with roads

Sam Vekemans acrosscanadatrails at gmail.com
Wed Apr 1 20:32:07 BST 2009

Hi Simon,
Yup, It's kinda cool seeing both the CanVec roads & the geobase roads in the
same spot.
Check out Glenwoodville,AB
when viewing the canvec data overtop.


Look forward to the feedback,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sam Vekemans <acrosscanadatrails at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 11:35 AM
Subject: canvec2osm sample area tofino BC _with roads
To: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap <talk-ca at openstreetmap.org>, Michel Gilbert <
michcasa at gmail.com>, Steve Singer <ssinger_pg at sympatico.ca>, Richard Weait <
richard at weait.com>

Hi all,Yupee,
I got the sample area saved (not yet posted to OSM) of Tofino, BC
You can view the zip file containing the .OSM files.

The addition of the CanVec Roads looks good, so far.  But (of course) would
need to be fixed up.
I compared the geobase2osm roads, and i see that i have included a few more
tags that were not included in the geobase2osm script.

For now the rules.txt file is available in the same place.

I'm now working on the wiki chart, to show all of the tags that i use. ...
in the next few days it should be done. :-)

... i found this way (adding it to canvec2osm) rather than creating the
canvecROADS2osm script seemed to be easier.  Didn't take much longer to run
the script.

For those who can read the rules.txt file let me know if you see any errors.
 (even if i already spot them, it's good to confirm what the right tags
should be.

And Steve, my plan is still to wait till you run the geobase2osm script
 (unfortunatly i dont know how too),,, before loading any of the canvec data
on top.   If you have a chance, please let me know if it would be fine to be
importing the data for .. those areas of
very very little to know OSM data.?? .

And everyone,.. since the geobase2osm script would detect that canvecROADS
were already imported, it would look at them the same way as user created
OSM Roads.???

Thought on that anyone?

Sam Vekemans
Across Canada Trails
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