[Talk-ca] [OSM-talk] Bicycle boulevards

Mario Salvini salvini at t-online.de
Thu Jun 11 15:19:25 BST 2009

Heiko Jacobs schrieb:
> In gmane.comp.gis.openstreetmap Christoph Boehme <christoph at b3e.net> wrote:
>> In Germany bicycle boulevards and normal cycle ways are different types 
>> of roads with different rules applying to them. Bicycle boulevards also 
>> tend to look more like proper roads than cycle ways. For example 
> Indeed
not really. only the explicit allowance to drive next to each other  
instead of just inline. the rest is exact the same as on normal cycleways.

>> residental roads are often re-designated as bicycle boulevards. I would 
>> find it odd if these would then appear only as dashed blue lines on the map.
> Yes, it doesn't look proper...:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=49.0777&lon=8.3986&zoom=18
> "Erbprinzenstrasze" are the two examples on the wiki page a posted before
>            MfG       Heiko Jacobs   Z!                   IRCnet Mueck
but that's a lack of rendering, not of data. ;)


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