[Talk-ca] Lake Cowichan Now loaded (more of sample 092c area)

Sam Vekemans acrosscanadatrails at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 02:53:21 BST 2009

Hi all,
(Sorry if im making too much traffic)

Anyway, because of the IMMENSE volume of data that i'll be loaded, i feel
its important to keep everyone uptodate, so that you all (everyone) has a
chance to speak now, and yell at me about errors. :-)

However, as i learned from tiger data, im sure that more errors will be
found AFTER i already imported 1/2 of Canada :-)

Anyway, Lake Cowican, BC 092c16 is now available.
It was surprising at how fast the area gets rendered (thanks admins :)

With a big thumbs up to Ian Dees, for working so hard on the
shp-to-osm0.41.jar program, to make it easier to use.  Thanks!
The script now can check to make sure each file is less than the 50,000 item
max, and will create a second file to hold the rest.
It can also convert the french accents, so thats awesome (considering its a
federal database, where french is the other official language)


You can see alot more detail on this area. The only feature that isnt loaded
is the big polygon of wooded area, (that'll take the bulkUpload.pl script
(that i still need to figure out)  .... thats why im at beta 0.74 (im sure
it's not that hard to learn, i just havent got to it yet.

So I look forward to all your nit pickings.

Sam Vekemans
Across Canada Trails

Twitter: @Acrosscanada
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sam.vekemans
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