[Talk-ca] Changing admin level (provinces) to render like US states

Sam Vekemans acrosscanadatrails at gmail.com
Sat Mar 28 11:42:36 GMT 2009

I realize that this will be alot of work and will add it to my todo list :-)

It still looks like the provincial borders should be changed so that
its visable from a few more zoom levels.

Can someone explain why its not done yet? Perhaps im missing something?

(i can do this when im importing geobaseNHN, as i'll be in the neighbourhood)

p.s im just about ready to take that 'leap' and actually upload a
sample area of the GeoBaseNHN2osm data. ~and so, im sure i will need
todo the same and manually fix the data as something will be wrong :-)
any tips for me?


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