[Talk-ca] Toronto aerial imagery

steggink at steggink.org steggink at steggink.org
Mon Nov 9 20:42:58 GMT 2009

Quoting Austin Henry <ahenry-osm at canoe.staticcling.org>:
> Lots of WMS servers will reproject data on the fly, if asked to do so.
> The few that I played with would usually support a few popular ones.  I
> can't remember the syntax that was used to request that (it was part of
> the URL given to the WMS server).
> Though, doing a bit of remembering (and reading), I think JOSM requests
> that the data be returned in the projection it's currently using.  You
> could check what it supports by requesting a URL like
> http://map.toronto.ca/servlet/com.esri.wms.Esrimap?service=wms&request=getcapabilities&version=1.1.1
> in your browser.  Be prepared to parse XML manually :(  Google earth (or
> openjump, or similar) do useful things with those URLs, and might help
> decode it.

The GetMap request needs to have the following parameter: srsName=EPSG:4326
(this is WGS84).

Unfortunately the server only supports EPSG:2019 and EPSG:2952. See  
the Capabilities document. See spatialreference.org what these  
coordinate systems mean.


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