[Talk-ca] Canvec Import Party Sherbrooke

Sam Vekemans acrosscanadatrails at gmail.com
Fri Nov 20 03:38:20 GMT 2009


Yup, i'll be there via Skype 'samvekemans'. I'll be able to provide
background details and help out where needed.

Thanks for setting it up.


On Thu, Nov 19, 2009 at 4:53 PM, Frank Steggink <steggink at steggink.org>wrote:

> Hi all,
> Hereby I would like to announce the Canvec Import Party, which will be
> held in Sherbrooke, Québec, on December 5th. It has been referred to as
> the "couch mapping party", but at the intended location there are no
> couches available ;) The location is a computer lab at the University of
> Sherbrooke, so it is not strictly necessary to bring your own gear.
> We'll mostly talk about the import of Canvec data into OSM, in which
> we'll put the discussed approach(es) to practice. Attention will be
> given to things like the process, tools, etc. Furthermore we'll spend
> some time on the remainder of the NRN import, as well as maintenance
> aspects. It would also be good to evaluate the topic of attribution.
> We'll try to make a connection via Skype available, so people who are
> not able to attend, can still follow the proceedings over the Internet.
> Details:
> Agenda OSM meeting Sherbrooke - Couch(less?) Mapping Party / Canvec
> Import Party
> When: Saturday December 5th, 2009, 10:00-16:00
> Where: Université de Sherbrooke (exact location to be confirmed)
> Location: http://osm.org/go/cKDiw@hy
> Topics:
> - Geobase NRN import
>  - Using JOSM + Validator plugin
> - Lunch
> - Canvec import
>  - Process
>  - Tools
>  - Conversion script
>  - Challenges
>  - Import
>  - Finetuning of import process
> - Further imports
>  - Geobase NHN
> - 5-à-7 ?
> So, if you happen to be in the neighborhood and want to say hi, or you
> definitely want to be present at the hot zone of the Canvec import,
> please let Michel, Yves and/or me know that you're coming.
> Cheers,
> Frank
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