[Talk-ca] flying rhinoceros [Previously Coastal water (Eau côtière) = Ocean ( Océan )]

Lennard ldp at xs4all.nl
Tue Feb 23 14:53:10 GMT 2010

Bégin wrote:

> 4.) determine which zoom levels need to render this
> 5.) attach the icon as an SVG file 16x16 pixel in size
> 6.) create a patch adding the rules to all the zoomlevels from step #4

Points 4,5,6 are mostly for osmarender.

> Point 6 is less obvious.  I've had a look at the mapnik wiki and did not get the answer I was looking for.  Do you have an example of a patch that could do the jobs?

I have a personal interest in these coastal features, so I'd say do only 
points 1 and 2 for mapnik. We'll get it from there.


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