[Talk-ca] Yukon Mapping Protected areas

Sam Vekemans acrosscanadatrails at gmail.com
Sat May 15 11:42:12 BST 2010

Dear Richard,

Thank you for volunteering to provide a summary with links. (feel free
to sort out the data, convert & pick out appropriate tags to use).

As always, with OSM, nothing happens until we do it ourselves, or
someone else volunteers. So, if it isn't done by september, I'll put
it back on my own todo list.

Also, I'm nominating you to be a board member of the OSM Foundation.
It would be great to have an active voice from the Canada OSM Team,
and it would also ensure that all imported data has the OSM Foundation
approval. As a board member, you could see it passed, much quicker.

Best Regards,
Sam Vekemans
Across Canada Trails

On 5/13/10, Richard Weait <richard at weait.com> wrote:
> On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 1:14 PM, Sam Vekemans
> <acrosscanadatrails at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yup,
>> I was waiting for you to respond. :-)
> [ ... ]
>> So at your "general intent" of your reply, i "shelve it" until all the
>> "recieved Rw Approval" has been imported, and deal with it later :-)
> Dear Sam,
> Your enthusiasm and energy for OpenStreetMap in general, and for
> recreational trails in particular appear to be boundless.  It may be
> that you are, in fact, a renewable energy resource.  I'm glad that you
> are participating in OpenStreetMap.
> Please don't interpret my concerns about licensing as any sort of
> authority.  There is no requirement for "rw approval" and I claim no
> more authority than any other contributor to OpenStreetMap.  It's not
> about me.
> It is my preference and recommendation that any contact with any
> database publisher be passed through the OSM Foundation for approval
> of any license.  That is a burden of additional work for the
> Foundation which is why I also recommend that the contributors in
> contact with the publisher try to do as much of the up front work as
> possible and provide links, and a summary.  That is the process that I
> have observed in earlier successful arrangements to include data from
> other sources in OpenStreetMap.
> A nice, simplifying exception exists when data is published under a
> license compatible with the current OSM license CCBYSA and the
> proposed future OSM license ODbL.  Once a list of those compatible
> licenses exists, and publishers adopt those licenses, things will be
> much easier for OSM contributors to accept data.
> Right now, the data licenses that are automatically always okay for
> inclusion in OpenStreetMap are:
> US Gov't Public Domain.
> Public Domain - only available at the expiry of copyright period in
> most jurisdictions
> PDDL - http://www.opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/summary/
> CCzero - http://creativecommons.org/about/cc0
> During the transition period, even CCBYSA, and ODbL are not
> "automatic" because both licenses should be accepted by the donor.  No
> point in accepting data today that may have to be removed for the
> transition.
> Dear Matt,
> Very good to meet you in your official capacity!  With your support
> and enthusiasm, I expect that OSM will find a way to dot all of the Is
> and cross all of the Ts with gov.yk.ca  I'll reply to you off-list as
> well.
> Best regards to all ,
> Richard

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