[Talk-ca] User r_coastlines

Frank Steggink steggink at steggink.org
Mon Dec 19 20:38:36 GMT 2011

On 19-12-2011 20:38, john whelan wrote:
> Yes because it is the individual contributor who has to accept the 
> OSM's new licensing terms, the data was not imported directly from 
> CANVEC into OSM.
> As a Canadian tax payer I'm not quite certain I like the idea of OSM 
> having the power to re-license Government data but that is a separate 
> issue.

Whether you like it or not, NRCan explicitly allows it, as long as they 
are attributed as the source:

/All distributed data should be accessed and used relatively to the 
GeoGratis Unrestricted Use Licence Agreement 
<http://geogratis.cgdi.gc.ca/geogratis/en/licence.jsp>. With this 
licence, users are granted a non-exclusive, fully paid, royalty-free 
right and licence to exercise all intellectual property rights in the 
data. This includes the right to use, incorporate, sublicense (with 
further right of sublicensing), modify, improve, further develop, and 
distribute the data; and to manufacture and/or distribute Derivative 
Products. The Licensee shall identify the source of the Data, in the 
following manner, where any of the Data are redistributed, or contained 
within Derivative Products: "© Department of Natural Resources Canada. 
All rights reserved."
See: http://geogratis.cgdi.gc.ca/geogratis/en/index.html

Furthermore, NRCan is even spending your tax dollars to facilitate 
incorporating their data into OSM.

Personally, as a former Canadian tax payer I can say that what NRCan 
does is one of the best ways of my tax dollars being spent :) It's too 
bad that the national mapping agency which is currently being funded by 
my tax euros takes a way less proactive stance towards open data. At 
least by decree of our Ministry of Economy, Agriculture and Innovation, 
a lot of geospatial and other data will be open in a few weeks :)

Every time when your government is doing something you don't like, are 
you going to share that with the world as well?


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