[Talk-ca] Address interpolation

Jonathan Crowe jonathan.crowe at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 19:40:47 GMT 2011


Interpolation ways are certainly editable, and it's certainly possible
to add address interpolation manually. I've started doing it here in
Shawville by resurveying the streets: I just note the house numbers at
the beginning and the end of each block. [1] (You can tell that I'm
using OSM largely as a pretext for getting some exercise.) The nodes
at the end of each way are tagged with the full address data --
addr:housenumber, addr:street, and so on. The way just connects two
nodes tagged with addresses. If the node at the corner that ends an
interpolation way just happens to be an amenity, well.

[1] http://osm.org/go/cILTzPT0N--

Jonathan Crowe
The Map Room: A Weblog About Maps

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