[Talk-ca] Getting the speed limit for a given latitude/longitude

René Fournier m5 at renefournier.com
Tue Aug 21 23:29:01 BST 2012

Yes, that's what I'm now working towards. Just downloaded and decompressed the OSM dataset for North America. Around 27 GB. 

In view of my application, what would you say is the best way to import? I'm running PostGIS 1.5.4. osm2pgsql or Osmosis?

On 2012-08-21, at 4:22 PM, Richard Weait wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 4:26 PM, René Fournier <m5 at renefournier.com> wrote:
>> Looking for suggestions...
>> I need to create a web service that, given a latitude/longitude coordinate that lies on a major road or highway, returns a maximum speed limit. Looking at services like http://www.itoworld.com/map/35#fullscreen, it's clear that much of the data is there. What's the best way to go about this? Anyone try it before?
> How often do you want to request the data?
> 1) Build a local DB.
> 2) request the maxspeed from the highway nearest the stated coordinates.
> For extra marks, you might want to build in some logic and some persistence.
> Seems pretty straightforward.

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