[Talk-ca] Mapping Toronto's PATH entrances and ways to them

George Silva georger.silva at gmail.com
Thu May 28 20:08:50 UTC 2015

Hello Everyone! Good afternoon!

I'm working on a project that uses OpenStreetMap to do some routing. I'm
using the OSRM router as a service.

We identified a problem with the routing, and the problem does not lie in
the router itself. Some routes we try to execute in our software, go
underground, into the PATH tunnels. When I try to route between two points
inside the PATH, all goes well and the router does it's job just fine.

When I'm above ground and try a route that goes underground a few things
can happen:

1. OSRM gives me the car route and then traces a direct line to the point;
2. OSRM routes using the PATH;

The second only happens when the PATH is connected to the street graph.

So, we will be applying a two step routing, to the entrances of the PATH,
and from there, to the underground locations, when necessary. When it's
above ground > above ground, we'll just use a simple routing scheme.

My questions are:

1. How are the entrances mapped? Is there any specific tag on OSM that
marks them as entrances or that the level is changing (from 0 to -1, for

2. All of these entrances should be connected to the main graph, otherwise
they are unreachable from a street or a sidewalk. How can those be mapped?

I'm sorry about the lengthy email, but I want to contribute and I do not
want to step on any toes.


George R. C. Silva
Sigma Geosistemas LTDA
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