[Talk-ca] Saints in street names in Ontario

Jarek Piórkowski jarek at piorkowski.ca
Mon Sep 9 13:10:40 UTC 2019

Hi Pierre,

(I responded via email at first, but realized one more thing, so
adding on and sending to talk-ca:)

The proposed wiki addition does start with "In Ontario". However
thanks bringing this up, as I realized I forgot to account for parts
of Ontario where streets will be named in French - this change should
not apply to those.

I am changing the suggested wording to:

    In parts of **Ontario** that primarily name streets in English,
street and road names containing initial "St." or "St" should only be
expanded to "Saint" when "Saint" is common usage for that street. To
be clear, this overrides the general rule
for "St." which does not stand for "street". As with other names in
OSM, factors you might want to consider when determining common usage
include spellings posted on street signs ("on the ground" rule),
spellings used in local media, GeoBase street name data, and spellings
used by official municipal sources including open data datasets. See
discussion on talk-ca [0].

Would this wording be fine for Ottawa and other bilingual areas, or am
I missing a pitfall?


On Mon, 9 Sep 2019 at 08:51, Pierre Béland <pierzenh at yahoo.fr> wrote:
> Marek
> Ces instructions ne s'appliquent pas à toutes les provinces. Il faudrait donc indiquer sur la page wiki à quelles provinces elles s'appliquent
> Pierre
> Envoyé à partir de Yahoo Courriel sur Android
> Le lun., sept. 9 2019 à 2:51 AM, Jarek Piórkowski
> <jarek at piorkowski.ca> a écrit :
> Hello,
> I'm following up on the thread about saints and lack thereof in street
> names from a couple of months ago (see archives [1] [2]).
> I would like to suggest the following wording added to Canadian
> tagging guidelines at
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Canadian_tagging_guidelines#Street_names
> :
>     In Ontario, street and road names containing initial "St." or "St"
> should only be expanded to "Saint" when "Saint" is common usage for
> that street. To be clear, this overrides the general rule
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Names#Abbreviation_.28don.27t_do_it.29
> for "St." which does not stand for "street". As with other names in
> OSM, factors you might want to consider when determining common usage
> include spellings posted on street signs ("on the ground" rule),
> spellings used in local media, GeoBase street name data, and spellings
> used by official municipal sources including open data datasets. See
> discussion on talk-ca [0].
> where [0] would be a link to this message/thread archive. (Comments on
> the wording and suggestions appreciated!)
> Is anyone opposed to this change?
> I have attempted to advertise/announce this proposed change. This was:
> - posted in this mailing list in March/April of this year (some quoted
> below, see list archives for more discussion)
> - I posted a note https://www.openstreetmap.org/note/1741334 in
> Toronto with a link to this thread (supportive responses from Kevo and
> DannyMcD)
> - on April 10, sent a message [2] with a link to the note to editors
> who were showing up as top editors on
> http://osmstats.neis-one.org/?item=countries&country=Canada
> (they aren't necessarily representative of the community, but it's
> really the closest we can reasonably do given our current tooling) [3]
> (no private message responses)
> - posted on OSM Canada Slack on 17 August
> https://osm-ca.slack.com/archives/CASP8UQNT/p1566053199044200
> (supportive responses from Matthew Darwin and Eric Geiler)
> - on August 27, sent a few more private messages to editors in top 50
> on the stats page who had done Ontario edits [4] (no private message
> responses)
> If you know of anyone else who might have a further opinion on this,
> please forward as possible.
> Thanks,
> --Jarek

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