[talk-cz] Detekce nesrovnalosti ve wiki datech

mahdi1234 mahdi1234 na centrum.cz
Sobota Listopad 19 10:26:05 UTC 2022


Preposilam nabidku od Mateusze na zapnuti kontroly wiki dat z chatu. Co
si o tom myslite? Opravoval by to nekdo?


I made https://matkoniecz.github.io/OSM-wikipedia-tag-validator-reports/
- it reports various problems with |wikipedia| / |wikidata| tags

It has reports also for some places across world

Right now Czech Republic is not being checked - let me know if you want
listing for some specific regions (or just want to fix reported issues
in any part of it), and I will enable it

Please let me know if anything is confusing, unclear or reported
incorrectly among reported things (if you end looking at reports outside
Czech Republic).




OSM CZ discord - https://discord.com/invite/A9eRVaRzRe
OSM CZ irc - https://web.libera.chat/#openstreetmapcz
OSM CZ jabber - https://chat.jabb.im/?r=openstreetmap
OSM CZ matrix - https://matrix.to/#/#osmcz:matrix.org
OSM CZ telegram - https://t.me/openstreetmapcz

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