[Talk-gb-london] The future of the London Cycle Network (LCN) on OpenStreetMap

ika-chan! (OpenStreetMap) mapper+gb at minoa.li
Fri Oct 12 12:12:32 UTC 2018


I am writing to ask about the future of the London Cycle Network (LCN) on OpenStreetMap.

I have noticed that the cycle network in London (on OpenStreetMap) is getting very crowded, due to the introduction of the Cycle Superhighways (CS), Mini-Hollands (MH) and Quietways (Q) in the capital.

In many places, the CS, MH and Q routes overlap LCN routes for a considerable distance. In quite a few places, the LCN signs have been retired in favour of CS and Q signs, and likely by the MH signs too.

My draft idea for possible reform would be to retire sections of existing LCN routes which are now covered by CS, MH and Q routes, and move the MH and Q routes to the local level in the network hierarchy. The CS routes will remain at regional level.

Comments please.



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