[Talk-GB] [OT] Hosting recommendations for Freemap-NPE

Nick Whitelegg nick at hogweed.org
Wed Nov 15 08:06:37 GMT 2006

It seems possible that a 128mb Bytemark VM does not have the resources to cope 
with the frequent database hits that a slippy map (such as Freemap-NPE) 
performs. It does seem to be the slippy map that's the problem, as I never 
had these issues when the map was non-slippy. Thus I may need to seek an 
alternative hosting provider in order to increase the reliability of the 
application - a non-slippy map is not really the best option in these days of 
web 2.0 :-)

So does anyone have any hosting recommendations? It would have to be one 
charging rates appropriate to non-profits rather than businesses (at the 
moment I'm paying about £25/month for the Bytemark VM and would be unwilling 
to go much over that as I don't make any money from this stuff!) but root 
access would be not absolutely essential - as long as it had up to date PHP 
and MySQL with XML and GD libraries and did not place any restrictions on 
HTTP calls to other servers using cURL or AJAX.

The Freemap (looks from the vote like I will stick with that name) stuff will 
always be specialist interest (UK countryside users) so I can't envisage it 
becoming very busy, so I probably wouldn't need to deal with people 
constantly hitting the site.


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