[Talk-GB] Definitive Paths Map Source

Ian Spencer ianmspencer at gmail.com
Wed May 12 12:58:01 BST 2010

James Davis wrote on 12/05/2010 10:05:
> Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists) wrote:
>> My local library has the definitive statements in the one book, with
>> subsequent versions over the ages added into the binding. So as you say its
>> easy to compare what the statement says 50+ years ago and the changes that
>> have occurred periodically with time. Updates in my area seem to be about
>> every 20 years or so.
> This looks like it varies a lot by area. I recently went to view the
> definitive map for our area and it was a bit of a mishmash. Everything
> is currently on paper, with no electronic records at all and I'm not at
> all convinced that there's any clear separation between data that
> belongs to the OS and data that belongs to the local authority.
> I spotted no differences between the data on the definitive map and the
> latest OS mapping of the area, but there are still plenty of
> inconsistencies to be found:
> - I've found rights of way referred to in other council documents that
> aren't marked on either.
> - I've found accessible and open footpaths that clearly at some stage,
> by their construction, were being maintained by the local authority but
> aren't recorded.
> - I've found rights of way that terminate at a parish boundary, with the
> physical track on the ground continuing and being open to users, but
> with no records of where the right of way disappeared to.
> Having access to the prow data would be great but I'm no longer
> convinced by it's definitiveness :)
> James
> _
Having done a little more background reading it strikes me that OSM and 
public involvement might be the solution that the Rights of Way review 
is looking for. The 2026 cut off date for the footpath review is on hold 
as basically the government department gave up trying to rationalise the 
pre-1949 paths and they are going to report back at some point. In other 
words, I think it has dawned on the Government that it is not convinced 
by its definitiveness either, James


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