[Talk-GB] Historical Mapping in OSM

Richard Palmer richard.d.palmer at kcl.ac.uk
Mon Sep 27 15:06:40 BST 2010

Dear Lester,

> start_date and end_date exist, But are not used as much SHOULD be.
> http://www.slideshare.net/frankieroberto/mapp-history-on-open-street-map was 
> presented last year and gives a nice summary ...

I was sure somebody would have done this before!. I'll ask Mr Roberto if he
pursued this any further.

> The problem with providing the data in a separate database is how to sync the 
> two ... when does something marked as 'demolished' get moved to the 'historic'
> version. Either there should be a proper mechanism for providing 'overlays',
> or the data simply gets stored in the exidting database. In many cases ALL
> this is missing is a start_date for existing objects on the ground. While
> some objects my eventually be obliterated by future development, on the whole
> the road system in London for example has simply evolved and expanded so all
> that is needed is to know when a road first appeared? No clutter as such,
> just currently missing real data?

Agreed, hopefully the archives holding a lot of this data/maps would be
interested in integrating it into an historical OSM.



Richard Palmer			| Centre for E-Research &
Systems Manager			| Centre for Computing in the Humanities
richard.d.palmer at kcl.ac.uk	| King's College London
Tel: 0207 848 1973 

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