[Talk-GB] Southwark update

Ed Avis eda at waniasset.com
Thu Mar 3 11:28:13 GMT 2011

Jerry Clough <: SK53 on OSM <SK53_osm at ...>;> writes:

>Incidentally, 0% discrepancy between OSM and OS Locator is
>inadequate as an indication of streetname completion

My measure of completeness is that all the noname streets are gone.  (That does
depend on someone having traced everything from aerial imagery or OS Street View
so that they can then be visited on the ground.)  On that measure there are
still a few council estates and odd spots in Southwark that need visiting, but
I am working through them.

There are quite a few names on the ground and in OSM that don't appear in OS

Ed Avis <eda at waniasset.com>

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