[Talk-GB] On footpaths

Robert Whittaker (OSM) robert.whittaker+osm at gmail.com
Thu May 5 15:49:19 BST 2011

Peter Miller <peter.miller at itoworld.com> wrote:
> You may wish find the 'surfaces' view more useful for getting a general
> insight into path density around the UK and elsewhere. This view does in
> fact mirror the patchy nature of path data in the UK.
> http://www.itoworld.com/product/data/ito_map/main?view=25
> Do let me know if you would like us to create any additional views.

I don't know about others, but I'd find a view of "designation" tags
for Public Rights of Way in England and Wales very useful.

This would highlight ways with the four designation=* values for the
public rights of way listed at
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:designation (namely:
public_footpath, public_bridleway, restricted_byway, and
byway_open_to_all_traffic) and give the grey "unknown" colour to any
ways which have a different designation=* value. (It's probably too
difficult to work out a set of ways that you would expect to have
designation tags -- there are too many paths around that aren't public
rights of way.)

(If you want the highlight colours to match the usual colours of the
signs used for the different rights of way, you'd use yellow for
public_footpath, blue for public_bridleway, purple for
restricted_byway, and red for byway_open_to_all_traffic.)



Robert Whittaker

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