[Talk-GB] "United Kingdom Tagging Guidelines" on the OSM wiki: due for an update?

Graham Jones grahamjones139 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 19:43:07 GMT 2012

On 17 February 2012 17:35, Andrew Chadwick <a.t.chadwick at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'd still love to see some areas with big outbreaks of
> highway=path+designation-only, or highway=path+access-tags-only as
> representations of public paths. Must throw down some overpass-api
> quadrats around the country to see what people are doing in various
> areas, before we completely throw highway=path to the Germans.
> Statistically, would highway=path + designation=public_footpath vs.
> highway=footway + designation=public_footpath be a worthwhile
> comparison? Should get around the legacy issue with h=footway.
> I have just had a play with my shiny new British Isles database import
with a hstore, so that I can get to the 'designation' tag.   The following
queries are looking at highway = footway v's highway=path, with or without
some sort of designation (ie designation or foot not null).

osm_gb_hs=# --total with a designation
osm_gb_hs=# select highway, count(way) as
count,cast(sum(st_length2d(way)/1000.) as int) as totLen from
planet_osm_line where (highway='footway' or highway='path') and
(((tags->'designation') is not null) or (foot is not null)) group by
highway order by highway, totLen desc;
 highway | count  | totlen
 footway | 124970 |  66566
 path    |  27154 |  17313
(2 rows)

osm_gb_hs=# --total without a designation
osm_gb_hs=# select highway, count(way) as
count,cast(sum(st_length2d(way)/1000.) as int) as totLen from
planet_osm_line where (highway='footway' or highway='path') and
(((tags->'designation') is  null) and (foot is null)) group by highway
order by highway, totLen desc;
 highway | count  | totlen
 footway | 224678 |  59942
 path    |  28628 |  14235
(2 rows)

You can see that there are many more highway=footway rather than
highway=path in the british isles.   I think the totlen column is the total
length in km, but my postgis is not very good so this could be wrong.

Basically this says that there are 224k footways without a designation of
some sort, and 125k with a designation.
Similarly, there are 28k paths without a designation and 27k with a
designation.  [there are also over 20k highway=bridleway, which is an odd

Is this the sort of query you were thinking of?   Of course I can produce
huge lists of all the combinations of designations and foot values, but not
that sure how useful that is, or how to present it.   This is for the whole
uk, so includes urban areas, which could account for the very large
proportion of footways over paths.  I wonder if there are relations for the
national parks so I could run a few queries for those areas?


Graham Jones
Hartlepool, UK.
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