[Talk-GB] Mapquest routing

Andrew andrewhainosm at hotmail.co.uk
Fri Mar 9 13:22:44 GMT 2012

Andy Allan <gravitystorm at ...> writes:

> I'll bet it's to do with the US.
> I think that in the US we are mapping "freeways" as either
> highway=motorway (for freeways that cross state lines, i.e.
> Interstates) or highway=trunk (for freeways that don't). So,
> translating it to the UK, the "avoid freeways" option becomes "avoid
> motorways", but still disables both highway=motorway and
> highway=trunk.

This is the same problem as Openmtbmap sending bicycles away from 
highway=trunk roads and is really an ambiguity in the tag. In the US and 
Germany it is used for less-than-motorway roads but in Britain, although some 
roads tagged that way are like that, it is very often more-than-primary.


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