[Talk-GB] associatedParking relation

sk53.osm sk53.osm at gmail.com
Mon May 13 13:31:37 UTC 2013

Gregory Williams invented a relation type=associatedParking to link a car
park to its parent entity. He's used it 3 times in Thanet., for instance
here <http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/2194736>.

I think this is very useful: particularly for clarifying what
access=customers or access=employees might mean. It also helps map out an
area occupied by say a suburban pub or fast food outlet without needing
(and often somewhat misleading) landuse=retail, but still allows analysis
of these isolated retail areas.

I've been meaning to use it for a while, and have just added the 4th
instance of this relation to the previously mismapped Hilton car park in
Nottingham (the mis-mapping from aerial photos, had unfortunately acquired
further wheelchair related tags due to an erroneous name).

The only thing I'm not sure about is having the role of the owning entity
blank. Any suggestions for a name for the role. Note that the relation
between parking owning entity is not necessarily m:1, it could be 1:m
(e.g., take-aways sharing a car park), or even m:n.


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