[Talk-GB] C roads again

Philip Barnes phil at trigpoint.me.uk
Wed Aug 13 10:32:54 UTC 2014

On Wed, 2014-08-13 at 01:22 +0100, Robert Norris wrote:
> >
> > Ignoring the source information for now, but I suspect it is very
> > similar to rights of way information in that it is probably derived from
> > OS maps.
> >
> > The following overpass query highlights the issue, Norfolk standing out
> > as especially bad. This is just tertiary roads, there are issues with
> > unclassified too.
> > http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/4xS
> AFAIK there are some (but very few) roads where the C number is sign posted but not that I'm aware of any explicitly.
> Whether any of these have ever been captured in OSM is hard to tell.
> Unfortunately a brief cross check with Google Streetview, for the very few tertiary roads with 'source:ref=survey' don't seem to bare much scrutiny. The visible signposts don't have a 'C' in them. The 'source:ref' bit is only on a short section of an otherwise longer road anyway, so possibly a road split editing leftover.
> Obviously source=survey tags it too imprecise to tell whether a ref was surveyed.
> However I am in favour of this edit, but I think the edit needs to *only* change 'C' Roads, as some B roads are tagged tertiary.
> e.g. using something like this:
>    <has-kv k="ref" regv="^C"/>
> In the above query will prevent altering too many things.
> Possibly only change things without source tags or with source=[nN][pP][eE], as a first iteration too.
I will try to avoid these, however if a B road it tagged as tertiary is
this not an error needing an on the ground survey?

Am I wrong in assuming that all B roads should be tagged as secondary?
other than this famous exception that is.

Phil (trigpoint)

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