[Talk-GB] OpenData Camp Manchester, October 2015

SK53 sk53.osm at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 10:43:44 UTC 2015

The second tranche of OpenData Camp tickets become available at noon today:

Earlier in the year, Nick Whitlegg, Gregory Marler and I attended the
inaugural event at Hampshire County Council in Winchester. It's not
strictly speaking a hack event, more an unconference. I found it a great
opportunity to meet folk from central and local government, as well as from
Ordnance Survey, and small firms and consultancies using OpenData.

Although we may think of OSM in the context of government Open Data
primarily as a user, its worth stressing the point that OSM is a major open
data supplier to this community too.

I'm not sure if I will be able to attend, but I think it would be good to
have a clear OSM presence at the event.

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