[Talk-GB] Large swaths of "heath" in Wales?

David Woolley forums at david-woolley.me.uk
Wed Feb 8 07:56:21 UTC 2017

On 07/02/17 19:19, Marco Boeringa wrote:
> Lastly, the lack of proper multipolygon creation, means that other types
> of renderers and styles than Carto, and GIS's like QGIS and ArcGIS, that
> do not stack features based on size but need multipolygons to deal with
> polygon-within-polygon problems, have many older detailed features
> covered up by these new ones, as the original data may be hidden beneath
> the newly added ones.

That' a problem with the renderers.  Multipolygons are difficult for 
both (human) editors and (machine) renderers, so only be used where 
strictly necessary.

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