[Talk-GB] Access and other tags for a particular Restricted Byway

Philip Barnes phil at trigpoint.me.uk
Fri Sep 29 18:40:02 UTC 2017

On Fri, 2017-09-29 at 18:59 +0100, Bob Hawkins wrote:
> Jerry
> I thank you for your helpful reply.
> One of my difficulties with Restricted Byways is the use of 
> motor_vehicle=no as shown in Robert Whittaker’s table, http://wiki.op
> enstreetmap.org/wiki/User:Rjw62/PRoW_Table.  
> I use vehicle=yes in almost all cases, but there are properties on
> Restricted 
> Byways, as in this case, where I judge that tag to be inappropriate,
> to say the 
> least.

Hi Bob
I had never seen page, it does seem very misleading. Vehicle is an odd
tag, as a vehicle normally includes a bike. Those restrictions kind of
apply to public access by motor_vehicles.

There are two sorts of access when applied to rights of way, those
defined by the designation and what we have a right to do. But then
there are private rights too. You cannot put a blanket motor_vehicle=no
on a right of way, other than a byway it should not have yes but rights
of way (footpaths/bridleways/restricted byways) will often form access
to properties or fields. 

Each needs a case by case survey, any can be motor_vehicle=private or

Phil (trigpoint)
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