[Talk-GB] Bartholomews, Brighton

Mark Goodge mark at good-stuff.co.uk
Thu Jul 26 15:08:51 UTC 2018

On 26/07/2018 13:32, Paul Berry wrote:
> I can't help but think this changeset is misguided for a number of 
> reasons. However I'm nowhere near Brighton so not really in a position 
> to verify other than from memory and some armchair detective work.
> To wit: https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/59687846
> So, two ways: "Bartholomews" and "Avenue" or just one: "Bartholomews 
> Avenue"?

FWIW, they are separate streets, "Bartholomews" and "Avenue", on the 
NSG, with different USRNs. "Bartholomews" also appears on OS Open Names, 
although "Avenue" doesn't (probably because it's solely a pedestrianised 
route now and not a vehicle route, so it isn't categorised as a road).

I know we can't use NSG data directly as it isn't (yet!) open, but Open 
Names is.

FWIW, I think it's likely that the changeset author's comments are 
right, and it is originally from an error by the highway authority. But, 
if so, it was an error made long enough ago to have become the current, 
canonical name. And, since that also matches what's on the ground, I see 
no reason to try to "correct" it on OSM. I'd revert the change.


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