[Talk-GB] Postcodes

Tom Hughes tom at compton.nu
Fri Nov 9 09:38:02 UTC 2018

On 09/11/2018 09:09, Phoenix830 wrote:

> I want to add postcodes but I am aware of issues with this being 
> copyrighted material.

Add them to what exactly?

> I have come across https://postcodes.io which states it is from open 
> sources. I have contacted them here 
> https://ideal-postcodes-support.herokuapp.com/channel/support .
> They have confirmed that this data is released under the Open Government 
> Licence 
> http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/ .

That data set only gives a centroid for each post code though, it
doesn't tell you what postcode a particular building has.

> I am not bulk adding these (I do not have the technical knowledge or 
> time) I am just adding postcodes to properties as I add them.

So how are you working out which postcode to use? Sometimes it is
fairly obvious from the centroid location but it often isn't.


Tom Hughes (tom at compton.nu)

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