[Talk-GB] Miniature railway or minimum gauge?

Mark Goodge mark at good-stuff.co.uk
Sat May 18 17:03:22 UTC 2019

On 18/05/2019 16:35, Martin Wynne wrote:

> Wikipedia suggests that a "miniature railway" is one using rideable 
> *models* of real railways, which is not the case for the RVLR:
>   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum-gauge_railway
> Should I change the tag to railway=minimum_gauge, bearing in mind this 
> is not a common usage in the UK?

Other 15" railways in the UK (eg, the Evesham Vale Light Railway) are 
mostly tagged as railway=narrow_gauge. I think that's probably the best 
solution. Minimum gauge is really just a subset of narrow gauge (along 
with other common subsets, such as metre gauge and 3' gauge) rather than 
being a distinct category in itself. The Wikipedia page for Narrow Gauge 
lists it as a common subset:


The OSM wiki is correct to distinguish between miniature railways (ie, 
ridable models) and small gauge "real" railways, as this reflects usage 
among railway engineers and enthusiasts in the non-mapping community. 
But I think the wiki page on miniature railways is wrong to suggest that 
minimum gauge railways are a separate category in themselves.

The wiki page for the Key:railway doesn't mention 'minimum_gauge' as a 
possible value, and I think that's the correct position. The distinction 
between different subsets of narrow gauge is best left to the 'gauge' key.

I think the wiki age for Tag:railway=miniature needs updating to remove 
the spurious distinct between minimum and narrow gauge, and make it 
consistent with the usage defined on the main page for Key:railway itself.


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