[Talk-GB] TfL cycle data published - schema mapping

Andy Allan gravitystorm at gmail.com
Wed Oct 2 08:37:36 UTC 2019

On Wed, 2 Oct 2019 at 05:22, Wulf4096 <osmgb at wulf.eu.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> in Germany we've got "Radfahrstreifen" (solid line) which are
> additionally marked by bicycle signs. Only cyclists may use those, and
> the sign forbids cyclists to use the main carriageway, unless they've
> got a reason to.
> And we've got "Schutzstreifen" (dashed line). Legally, from the view of
> a cyclist, those marking don't exist, as they don't impose any rules on
> cyclists (this has been ruled by court).  Other traffic may not use the
> dashed lanes unless they've got a reason to.
> So I guess it's similar markings and rules?

Similar markings, but different rules. There is no implication in the
UK that a cyclist has to use a cycle lane, regardless of markings. You
can ignore a solid-line-lane and ride in any other traffic lane,
without needing any reason.


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