[Talk-GB] Map with AI comes to the UK

Andy Townsend ajt1047 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 5 21:44:11 UTC 2020

On 05/01/2020 21:33, Philip Barnes wrote:
> I have just come across an armchair edit using Facebook AI data.
> They do seem to have failed to check that detections are accurate, or 
> lack experience to identify common Midlands farmland features. They 
> have mapped several hedges as tracks.
The usual suggestions apply, I think - politely explain via a changeset 
discussion comment what the problems are (e.g. that there are false 
positives and false negatives, and issues with offsets).  If that 
resolves things, great - if not raise it with the DWG.

I'm not convinced that false positives per se are a problem provided 
that iD guides them through the process of agreeing that "yes, that 
really does look like a sensible feature based on the context".  If that 
isn't happening (and that's certainly a problem to some extent elsewhere 
in iD with "automatic brand tagging", and with some Maproulette tasks 
that appear to be just "community-washing" mechanical edits) then again, 
raise it with the DWG.

Best Regards,


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