[Talk-GB] What Relation Type to use for the GPSS/CLH Oil Pipeline

Steve Brook srbrook at tiscali.co.uk
Sun Aug 15 12:09:37 UTC 2021

I have recently mapped the Markers, Pipeline, Substations and storage for
the old GPSS pipeline running down the Seven Valley, created during WW2 to
supply airfields and now run by CLH.

I have created a relation for these nodes and ways and given it the
type=network tag. 

Is this a correct use for this tag? 

I have linked my relation to a parent relation of type=route that I found
but was not sure that it was correctly tagged.

The relations are www.openstreetmap.org/relation/12728963 and

I came across the type=group tag mentioned in recent [Talk-GB] posts. Would
this be a better tag to use?

Any ideas? 

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