[Talk-GB] [talk-gb] Royal Mail post-box finder

Cj Malone me-osm-talk-gb at keepawayfromfire.co.uk
Sun Aug 15 21:34:05 UTC 2021

On Sun, 2021-08-15 at 12:12 +0100, Edward Bainton wrote:
> 2. Does anyone know if we can use this data to identify boxes
> currently unmapped in OSM, or to add their ref numbers? The only
> attribution is to OSM contributors, but I'm guessing the overlaid
> data is from their own sources?

Definitely can't use this as a source for OSM. I've contacted Royal
Mail about this twice now, a couple years ago and again a few months
ago. They wont be releasing this data at all, let along under an Open

I still want to work on this, and prompt them to release it, but it's
not top of my todo list right now.


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