[Talk-hr] Razmjena podataka?

Marjan Vrban mvrban at gmail.com
Ned Lis 18 19:01:06 BST 2009

> Trenutno na Lociraj.net imam 8 kategorija (bankomati; banke; benzinske stanice;
> ljekarne; javni bilježnici; poštanski uredi; bolnice, ambulante i domovi
> zdravlja; fitness centri). Riječ je o otprilike 6,500 objekata diljem Hrvatske.
> Podaci su skupljeni web scraping-om. Pretpostavljam da vama to ne bi smetalo? 

Naravno da ne bi smetalo, ALI! treba biti upoznat s licencom i pravilima
OSM-a. Svi podaci koji su pod copyright-om nemaju što tražiti u OSM-u, osim
ako se posjeduje IZRIČITA i pismena dozvola za korištenje pod OSM licencom.


> Zanima me OSM API kojim mogu povući podatke o POI-ma, a isto tako i ažurirane
> podatke poslati nazad. Možete li me uputiti na kakav link?


The OSM Extended API (or xapi, pronounced zappy) is a read-only API, based
on a modified version of the standard API, that provides enhanced search
and querying capabilities. It implements the standard map request and a
number of additional ways of querying OSM data by tag values.

The source database is a mirror of the main OSM database and is updated via
the per-minute diff dumps. The data is normally no more than about 10
minutes behind the main database. 



This API is based on the ideas of the RESTful API. For more information on
RESTful APIs see wikipedia's Representational State Transfer page.

The API is the server component to which REST requests are addressed. The
REST requests take the form of HTTP GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE messages.
Any payload is in XML form, using the MIME type "text/xml" and UTF-8
character encoding, and may be compressed on the HTTP layer if the client
indicates through the HTTP "Accept" header that it can handle compressed

Requests to modify the database are authorized using HTTP Basic
Authorization. Read requests do not require authorization. 

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