[OSM-talk-ie] User Accounts in Ireland (was Re: Mobile speed camera zones)

Simon Poole simon at poole.ch
Fri Mar 25 12:06:44 UTC 2016

Am 25.03.2016 um 10:16 schrieb Simon Poole:
> ...
> - the number of mappers that edited data in Ireland: this is a bit more
> involved to determine and the best way is to simply to look at a full
> history extract of the country in question. I'm not aware of current
> numbers, but I did do this before the licence change, last time June
> 2012: 2'249 was the number at the time (as comparison 1'684 was the
> total number of mappers that had started out in IE at that point in time).

Using the geo-coded changesets I get 4'340 editors total as of last
month (this is a bit fuzzier than analysing a history  extract).

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