[Talk-in] Server for map in Indian languages

H.S.Rai hardeep.rai at gmail.com
Wed Oct 29 05:15:33 GMT 2008

On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 10:19 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves <lawgon at au-kbc.org> wrote:
> I am not too clear on what this means. I can setup and administer a server and
> can add content to OSM

User and we will add data on OSM, and tag there. At present, OSM is
not rendering in hindi. So either we can render tiles and upload on
server serving OSM, or setup a tile rendering server.


But user should get map in hindi or punjabi, from main website, as a
different layer, rather than to have it, one should open different
website. User should able to switch language from same website i.e.

> I can also mobilise resources for a server, but need to know the
> scale of operation.

Demand will keep on increasing. We should start, whatever we have or can manage.


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