[Talk-in] OSM2GEO - Converting OSM files as GeoJSON

Tecoholic Maps tecoholic2 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 28 14:35:09 GMT 2011

Hello Fellow OSMers,

I have been playing with OSM data for quite sometime and found Polymaps a
really good library for rendering maps in SVG. It had really good support
for GeoJSON, but OSM had no simple way of using GeoJSON format available.
So I built this for people like me who wish to draw some SVG Maps and
manipulate things rather than Static images and overlays.

Here is my post about it and code FTW :) ->

The code is a written in JavaScript. It contains a single function,
osm2geo. It takes in a .osm (XML) response and returns the corresponding
GeoJSON. It depends entirely on jQuery. Use it and let me know if you like
it :)

Make some great maps :)

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