[talk-ph] is the text "Province of" necessary in the is_in:state tags?

Axel Kollmorgen akollmorgen at gmail.com
Thu Oct 28 13:25:01 BST 2010

On 2010-10-27 20:43, maning sambale wrote:
> I am doing deletion of "Province of" in the is_in:state = in batches.
> Let me know if I missed certain areas or whether to exclude your own
> mapping patch/territory.
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/changeset/6195067
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/changeset/6194871
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/changeset/6180884

+1. i've been doing this for a while now.

additionally, i've also been removing is_in:country = Philippines and 
is_in:country_code = ph . two reasons:

a) having both of them is redundant, and
b) even having only one of them on elements below province admin level 
is a waste of database space. it is easy to determine if an osm object 
"is in" the philippines by examining the philippines' boundary = 
administrative or its bounding box. alternatively, any place with 
is_in:state can look up its is_in:country by looking at the 
is_in:country of the place = state "above" it.

>>> Disclosure:
>>> I'm appending the is_in:state tags to town and cities points in the
>>> osm-ph garmin map.  See:
>>> http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4035/4677828307_622655ea75.jpg

i'm not liking this too much. most of the times i know the province i am 
in or want to go to. the province name behind the place name adds 
clutter to the map and distracts from more important information. what 
are the benefits of having it like this? does it out-weight the 
disadvantages? isn't there a way to have the information on the province 
available (for searching etc.), but not showing it behind every place 
name on the map?



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